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在windows界面打开kettle 进行脚本编写 ,编写好后把kettle的安装压缩包上传到linux服务器 解压 ,在目录下通过Kitchen.sh执行作业,Pan执行转换

1. 准备工作




  1.  Pan是用于执行trans的PDI命令行工具。
  2.  Kitchen是用于执行作业的PDI命令行工具。

a. Pan的命令行选项和语法

        pan.sh -option=value arg1 arg2


repEnterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
userRepository username
passRepository password
transThe name of the transformation (as it appears in the repository) to launch
dirThe repository directory that contains the transformation, including the leading slash
fileIf you are calling a local KTR file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory
levelThe logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
logfileA local filename to write log output to
listdirLists the directories in the specified repository
listtransLists the transformations in the specified repository directory
listrepLists the available repositories
exprepExports all repository objects to one XML file
norepPrevents Pan from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Pan from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead.
safemodeRuns in safe mode, which enables extra checking
versionShows the version, revision, and build date
paramSet a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar
listparamList information about the defined named parameters in the specified transformation.
maxloglinesThe maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
maxlogtimeoutThe maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)


  1. sh pan.sh -rep=initech_pdi_repo -user=pgibbons -pass=lumburghsux -trans=TPS_reports_2011
  • 1


./pan.sh -file=/home/hadoop/workplace/kettle/trans/test_cml.ktr -norep
  • 1



repEnterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
userRepository username
pass Repositorypassword
jobThe name of the job (as it appears in the repository) to launch
dirThe repository directory that contains the job, including the leading slash
fileIf you are calling a local KJB file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory
levelThe logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
logfileA local filename to write log output to
listdirLists the sub-directories within the specified repository directory
listjobLists the jobs in the specified repository directory
listrepLists the available repositories
exportExports all linked resources of the specified job. The argument is the name of a ZIP file.
norepPrevents Kitchen from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Kitchen from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead.
versionShows the version, revision, and build date
paramSet a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar
listparamList information about the defined named parameters in the specified job.
maxloglinesThe maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
maxlogtimeoutThe maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)


    /home/kettle/data-integration/kitchen.sh -file=/home/kettle/transition/move.kjb -log=log.log
  • 1


    $kitchen路径 -file=$job路径 log=$log路径



-levellog级别 (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)